Schooner Seawanhaka

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Bill Hanlon


Links to sailors or items of sailing interest:

  Walker Hanlon - Check out the travels and adventures of Capt Bill's son Walker
  Michal and Monika - Honeymooners Michal and Monika from Warsaw, Poland have joined SEAWANHAKA. They were just married 2 weeks ago, and are on the first leg of their one year honeymoon journey around the world.
  Alabama Dan - Check out the travels and adventures of crew Dan Fritts
  Raoul Island Volcano Eruption - Read about the March '06 Raoul Island eruption.
  Backpacker Magazine - Read an article Irish crew Laura Hogan wrote about her New Zealand to Fiji trip.
  Rusty Barnicle - Kai from the sloop Alexandra on Fanning Island
  Silent Voyager - Charl from Pago Pago, who is trying to be the first deaf person to sail solo around the world.

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